Monday, 30 August 2010


Today, I'm going to begin a long fast. I feel like shiiiittt right now, my weight keeps going up and down so I'm going to try and fast for 10 days, more if I can. I read online someone who did a 28 day fast! I want to do that, it's amazing! But I'm just going to see how it goes. So far, I haven't eaten anything- I'll admit I'm tempted and if I let my mind wander for too long I find myself trying to bribe my mouth into eating, but thinspo is going to help me a lot today. It's just getting the first few days done, then it's easier. I'm hoping to get to 100lbs by the end of this fast so I will have to go a while if I want to loose 10lbs, but I want it soooo bad, plus I have school in about 2 weeks so it will help keep me distracted as I NEVER eat at school. So, I will probably be blogging a lot these next few days, mainly just pointless stuff but it keeps me destracted. Oooh and I will upload thinspo! I've found some really good stuff yesterday so I will upload later. Plus I've mentally told myself that what I do eat, I have to burn off twice the amount of calories and I'm feeling lazy today so that's put me off plenty :-). Todays intake so far:

Breakfast: Nothing

Snack: Nothing

Lunch: Nothing

Snack: Nothing

Dinner: Nothing

Snack: Nothing

Calorie Intake: 0
Burned Off: 0

Stay strong, xoxoo

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Suck it in girlies!

Here is some thinspo! I have to admit, as much as i lovvveee thinspo, it makes me feel ashamed of my figure. By hay ho! Makes me go and exercise...

OK. I want her arms!

I like her legs :-)

I will upload more tomorrow!

Stay strong, xoxoo

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Diet Pills?

Okaay, so i know its been forever! im in the middle of a fast, today is my third day. feel really dizzy but its all worth it, already lost 4 lbs. keep having moments where im tempted to eat but then i do sit-ups and im fine!

I've been on and off questioning diet pills. cant decide if i want too or not. one of my ana-buddys suggested Hoodia? apparently its a good one so i might give it ago when i get off this fast! i want to do a long fast as im so close to 100lbs and hopefully get there in 2 weeks! wish me luck! :-)

Btw, heres a good calorie counter website, it has EVERY food on it!!

Stay strong, xoxoo

PS, i will post some more thinspo tonight but until then check out one of my fav thinspo websites:

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Back Home!

I'm finally back home! I went to Mallorca last week for a week with my family. It was OK, got a bit boring but I was really strict with my self and apart from a sandwich on the wednesday, I didn't eat! The week before I was really strict with my self too and on the Friday I weighed in at 108 lbs! I was so excited! :D:D:D And today, after coming back home yesterday and having to eat dinner, I was scared to weigh myself but I'm 106lbs! YAY! So i'm being really strict with myself from now on, I feeel more confident about it and more in control which helps. Portion size is key guys! Only try and eat a handful or just over, no more, else you will get really full and bloated, its not nice! Hope you guys are doing OK, I will be on later with some much needed thinspo!

Stay strong, xoxoo

Thursday, 15 July 2010


Okay so yesterday was...AWFUL! I came home from school, having not eaten all day (about 4pm) and my mum had invited all my family over and they had thrown an "end of school" party! I had to eat, everyone was around this big table and it was horrible because I hate eating in front of people, but I had some pasta and a biscuit. It felt horrible, I just wanted to rip my stomach out!! So I went to the gym and I think I burnt it off. So today is my day of fasting for a week. I need too as I have a holiday in a week!! AHH! So I've set my self a day plan so I wont get bored or tempted, which means I could be blogging a lot! Wish me luck,

Stay strong, xoxoo

Tuesday, 13 July 2010


Here is the thinspo I promised, enjoy!

Stay strong, xoxoo


Sorry it's been so long! Okay, so I fasted for 5 days! Well I ate crisps Sunday evening, I got down to about 111lbs on Friday evening but now my scales have broken! I don't know what to do. Whilst I was fasting I also started jogging 2/3 times a day and I've kept that up so far.
I have a holiday in 2 weeks, so my plan is to fast until then. Well on Monday I didn't eat all day, then at about 5pm I had a handful of chocolate :@ so I went to the gym and burnt about 375 calories, not including a 1 miles walk and 10 minute jog so hopefully I burnt that off. Today I just ate a bit of dinner, a handful of pasta because my mum was watching but then i jogged for 10 minutes and I'm about to go to the gym again. Then it's fasting time so I will probably be blogging more to keep my spirits up, wish me luck, hope you guys are good! Here is a thinspo my amazing ana-buddy sent me, enjoy! I will be on later to add more thinspo, good luck!

Stay strong, xoxoo